Dwagon (10-4-2003, 3:38:23): baaaaaaa baaa baaaaa baaaaaa!!! okay, enough sheep talk! hehe.. did this while tlaking to someone. just a draggie on a cliff.. over looking a desert like thing, wiht desert like mountains int he back ground.. um.. Enjoy!
edpt (10-4-2003, 7:49:5): MY GOD, the LANDSCAPING. That's frikken' awesome, you rule. Oh, and...cool dragon... XD
Dwagon (10-4-2003, 18:55:34): thanks edpt! it was just something i was trying.. but turned out really interesting now that i look at it the next day! *grins*
LINDSEY (10-4-2003, 20:9:25): What a nice background! It looks like a whole mountain made of gold, or a really pretty sunset! Great landscape! I love the cloud in the sky! Great pic! That's a really cute