Zero (27-4-2003, 1:59:57): Since Dwagon was nice enough to give me a name, a character, AND draw me a picture of him...
Dwagon (27-4-2003, 2:3:51): Zero!! thank you sooooo much!! i love the mask! hehe.. it's awesome!! it was somehtign i was contemplating,. but could enver draw myself!!! hehe.. and your moooost welcoeme!!
LINDSEY (27-4-2003, 2:55:8): Hee hee cool! I love the dragon mask! Tribal girl vs. Zero! The shading is really cool and as always I love the arm accessories! Great job on the background! Very cool Zero!
edpt (27-4-2003, 10:55:31): Zero, you rule. Picture Zero rules, too. So does the dragon mask. Awesome work, great choice of bg colors, and VERY kick-butt poses. Cooltastic job.
Blu (27-4-