gourry (1-5-2003, 0:25:24): felicia and morrigan, i hope you like it
CaveDwellingCreature (1-5-2003, 20:27:7): sexy =)
LINDSEY (2-5-2003, 1:51:5): Cute! I love how you colored Felicia's hair! Morrigan is the cutest! Is that a Dimitri doll? I love the sweat drop! It adds great comedic humor to the picture! Great job on the character desighn and shading! This is really cool! I love the ears, tail, and wings! Kawaii!
Ziri Okamiotoko (2-5-2003, 11:44:9, Email, Website): Morrigan looks so cute in this. The doll is a really neat little addition. Makes me wonder who it it. =3