Ziri Okamiotoko (4-5-2003, 11:14:38, Email, Website): Raaarg. For some reason the board wouldn't let me see the comment page. I didn't even think they'd saved. ::sweatdrop:: So. ::coughcough:: Anyway. This is what happens when I'm not feeling good. My temp had been running around 99 all day, when my norm is 97.2. Self-portrait, drawn to a rather happy, bouncy J-pop song. I'll be quiet now.
LINDSEY (4-5-2003, 20:39:57): Sometimes I just want to listen to my walkman and everyone to leave me alone, since I don't like being around lots of people who don't know me. Anyways this has a really dark mood to it, and it also reflects how my day is when I'm