1052542512 - Oekaki Art 58

Dwagon (10-5-2003, 0:56:50):
Dedicated to all htose who ahve a bad moment, just remember. when you look into the sky,a nd can see that shaft o sunshone streaming down, it is a blessing of buddah, as the saying goes. days may appear aweful,a dn the future bleack, but those days will pass, wiht good times ahead!

Carpe Diem!

Kido-chan (10-5-2003, 1:35:10, Email, Website):
this is truly a piece of art! It means a lot to me seeing how I am Buddhist. ^_^ arigatou~

LINDSEY (10-5-2003, 2:9:50):
I don't know much of anything about Buddah, but I dioknow this pic is absolutely beautiful! I love the light shining out of the clouds! I als
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