Blu (11-5-2003, 2:58:28, Email): Omg I really want to cry! I finally drew a Felicia pic for you Lindsey but it wouldn't let me post it. :(
(11-5-2003, 12:3:29): ....In my family I was taught to never give up so I'll draw another Felicia pic.
LINDSEY (11-5-2003, 13:7:55): That's okay! I'v had times where I'll be drawing a picture and my stupid computer freezes! >~<; I'm sorry it wouldn't let you post it...
Kido-chan (11-5-2003, 13:51:35, Email, Website): I feel your pain..>.<; I'd be in the middle of a really good picture and BWAM..comp freezes or IE screws up..T_T