LINDSEY (16-5-2003, 21:31:52): Sorry it looks so boring.... (hee hee 3 day weekend!)
Yoshi (16-5-2003, 22:38:29, Email, Website): This is a beautiful picture! I love the sparkles (but just don't over do it) and especially the one at her chest. You know... I've always liked the "highlighted" colors in here... =) Very... magical and sweet.
sq (17-5-2003, 8:51:29): nice sparkles. i get the feeling a dios-esque "protrusion" is about to occur...
edpt (17-5-2003, 11:59:44): Why does the whole 'Small rose within me, heed your master and come forth for the world revolution!' thing come to mind...? My gawd, Lindsey, t