kyllir (21-5-2003, 22:23:50, Email, Website): Kitty Chick-ness for all!!! I have returned from my hibernation... lol, My puter got busted :P anyone miss me? I hope you like the pic! ^_^ good to be back
Brandy (21-5-2003, 22:28:16): oo a lion kitty chick even. She looks like shes dancing ^^
kyllir (21-5-2003, 22:32:29): She's dancing to something by the Carpenters... :P
edpt (22-5-2003, 7:48:32): Welcome back, o'course. Nice pic--good use of watercolors, and the word 'chick-ness' rules above even 'furthermore.' Great work.
LINDSEY (22-5-2003, 19:22:53): Argato! I missed seeing you're art, kyllr! Havn't