LINDSEY (21-5-2003, 23:27:23): Gomen!
kyllir (21-5-2003, 23:50:53): why are you apologizing???? its BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love the sparklies!!!!
Dwagon (22-5-2003, 0:48:14): lindsey!!!!!!! i loves ya sparkles!! hehe. this is adorable! keep up the good work!!
by the way, my roomate love it too! she can recognize it from across the room! hehe
edpt (22-5-2003, 7:49:47): Beautiful--the best I've seen you do. Awesome everything.
Zero (22-5-2003, 13:51:4): You've got such a nice style, I'll bet your pictures would look professional if the lines weren't so jagged. Have you ever tried using the bezie tool? I never would've myself, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy to pull off very clean line