Andy Yuan (24-5-2003, 21:8:13, Email, Website): It took me a little over 2 hours to draw this. Nothing like an energy sword fight to get you going, eh?
Zero (25-5-2003, 0:28:55): Shwing! Is that Proto Man?
Very cool, detailed picture. The little spark of contact there is nicely rendered.
gourry (25-5-2003, 1:7:20): it's Protoman! i think it's pretty good, specially the swords are cool
LINDSEY (25-5-2003, 14:1:43): Nothing like a good sword fight! I agree, the swords are cool! I can see why this took you 2 hours! You did such an exellent job drawing the mecha and character desighn as well as the shadin