LINDSEY (27-5-2003, 21:38:10): Like the picture says....Just goes to show you you can't trust anyone even when they're as cute as a button.
Zero (28-5-2003, 0:25:10): I love it. Nice and clean, and just a subtle enough sly look to get the point across.
gourr (28-5-2003, 0:53:41): this is so cute! i love hr hair, eyes and expression... oh, and the background is cool too, with all those bunnies
TurdstheGerbil (28-5-2003, 1:22:23): Oooh! Very Cute! Yes, I do see a hint of mischieviousness there, I could see h hopping up to unsuspecting people, pranking them and swiping lots of stuff^_^ Love the pink eyes, the very end points of the eyes suggest a little slyness, as the eyebrows suggest a convincing "innocent" look