Turdsthegerbil (1-6-2003, 5:59:39): Quite disturbing picture drawn at five or six ort seven or something after staying up all night and having the clock on the computer screwed up and too lazy to move and afraid that I will fall asleep if I try to get up and just drop like a rock on the floor...@_@ (*_*) -_- X_X
S. Knight (1-6-2003, 6:41:22, Email, Website): Wow! That is a really nice pic!!! Look at the detail!
edpt (1-6-2003, 9:33:40): That kicks ASS! So do you! So does the contrast! Disturbing, yes...almost graphic, but THE ASS-KICKAGE IS AMAZING! Yeah. Good job XD
gourry (1-6-2003, 14:15:6): this is