gourry (3-6-2003, 21:29:8): hope you like it
Anders.. (3-6-2003, 22:36:26, Email, Website): Yeah! the water looks excellent! :) Reminds me of the water from Zelda to the snes.
edpt (4-6-2003, 7:42:52): Yeah, very nice...water. Really, though, great job, especially with the background, colouring, and nudeness XD Fantastic work!
chrissy (4-6-2003, 13:47:9): tiny hiney! -giggle- that's really good!
kyllir (4-6-2003, 18:51:45): O.O nekkidness. lol, I love how you did the water and the background!!!the hair is very pretty as well ^_^
LINDSEY (5-6-2003, 2:51:52): I absolutely love the water! The sh