Anders.. (9-6-2003, 20:2:43, Email, Website): To Lindsey. To Apologize for the gloomy and bloody pics. and for the ones to come. Hope it's ok :P
Avalon (9-6-2003, 23:43:54): Super cool. I don't know why, but I've always loved pictures like this. It has a nice atmosphere to it, and I love the colors.
edpt (10-6-2003, 7:32:30): You have such a distinctive style of drawing...anyway...nice work. Log cabins are the only place to live XD
LINDSEY (10-6-2003, 17:53:1): There's no need to apologize Anders! So your pics have a little blood in them. Big deal! If you enjoy drawing gloomy and bloody pictures, stick with it! I focus more on