Ragathol (14-6-2003, 18:3:44, Website): Fanart for Andy Yuan! His character is often eating stuff, and always look so timid... But when it comes to icecream, you just have to shuffle it in ^_^ I was able to use a tablet at last, so now there might be at least some hint of quality in my pics.. hope you like! ^_^
Zero (14-6-2003, 19:30:58): It is refreshing to see her being a little more open than usual. *Grin* Er, no offense to Andy intended... I love the way you draw her, too, I just, eheh... never have anything to say. Anyway, nice work, Rag.
Dwagon (14-6-2003, 21:10:2): hehehee.. this is cute rags!! adorable!! ice cream is the bomb!
LINDSEY (15-6-2003, 16:8:55): Cook