Kido-Chan (21-6-2003, 22:30:41, Email, Website): fiery lady..
Dwagon (21-6-2003, 22:56:58): Kido this is georgeous!! i love how you do your drawings!! please, keep it up!
gourry (22-6-2003, 2:0:40): this is really wonderful! love the colors, hair, lips and those eyes have captivated me too..
MK (22-6-2003, 2:52:33): This is downright gorgeous. Lovely work. :)
LINDSEY (22-6-2003, 3:1:36): O_O WOOOW!!! OUTSTANDING! FABULOUS! GORGEOUS! BEAUTIFUL!WONDERFUL-- I'm speechless... Kido-chan, This has to be your best work so far-- I mean, just looking at it amazes me! I absolutely love everything here! The backg