Jesse Girl (22-6-2003, 1:7:40, Email): Hello again! Sorry I haven't drawn in a while, I've been busy with school and such. I decided to draw a summer picture, seeing as it's the first day of the season. Oh, and sorry for the crappy backround, I got lazy. ^_^;;; Anyways, I'll draw again soon, G2G!
Jesse Girl (22-6-2003, 1:12:32, Email): And yes, I do realise she looks a little too skinny. Or maybe it's her chest? 0.o;;; *Ahem* Yeah, well, if you see any other mistakes, Please let me know so I can improve! Cuz I know I need to improve on my clouds. See ya! ^_^
Zero (22-6-2003, 1:16:30): Ahh, my backgrounds always suck. Yours is fine, I