GoatgirlGeorge (26-6-2003, 6:17:8): Evil Lady
LINDSEY (26-6-2003, 17:45:9): Oh my god this is good! Wonderful job! This is wonderful! you're very talented! I'v never seen Sailor Moon art this good! Everything here- the eyes, pose, coloring- It all looks fantastic! I really like the color of her hair and scarf! And the eyes- Those are things I cannot do well. The hair is awsome- it's great how it's all wavy! The background is cool too! It totally suits the mood for this picture! magnificent job on this!
Zero (26-6-2003, 19:9:40): Well, I don't like Sailor Moon, personally, but I must say this is a fine piece of work. Neat outfit and fabulous shading work, and the hair does have a lot of life to it. The extra lines around the hair also add some