1056661851 - Oekaki Art 62

Blu (26-6-2003, 17:12:28):
I'm sorry to post such a low quality pic.

Zero (26-6-2003, 17:25:54):

I wouldn't call it low quality, and if I did, it explains itself. Nice work.

LINDSEY (26-6-2003, 17:37:20):
LOL This is hilarious!! Heeheehee!! At first I thought is was a microphone! Haha it's funny.. considering it's a mouse it's making the squeek! Lol!!! Nice job! Haha!

Merc (Abv for Silent Merc2) (26-6-2003, 17:37:53):
Heehee. Trouble with the ol mouse Ice? Nice pic though.

CDC (26-6-2003, 19:24:25):
"Die!" My mouse deserves that word too..

Magenta (29-6-2003, 22:55:3):
lol blu this is cute! heheh i love eve's hair itz so kewl, whatcha talking about low quality huh?

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