Trevor (2-7-2003, 1:12:20): For Lindsey O_~ sorry it took me so long i just got home but i hope you like it anyways kinda my summer pick O_~
edpt (2-7-2003, 9:57:2): The character looks like she's out of place in a world of soft cotton XD you should have cell-shaded the background with more intense colours to tie the foreground and background in together. Also, it looks like the sun is setting. Anybody who's seen a sunset knows that the sky isn't just BLUE. Remember to erase any spare lines, too... And for the sake of a better composition, you should have put in a few shells, seaweed, beach grass, palm trees--anything to breakup all that negative space and add more colour. Anyway, I love the pose of the character, the design of the character, and the colour