kyllir (4-7-2003, 4:36:45, Email, Website): This is Morgan, my new muse, ain't she cool? Enjoy!
Merc (4-7-2003, 8:48:7): Di-di-di-DIGIMON! Cool concept and coloring for the character and a very nice blend of color in the backround. Very Digi-ish too. Di-di-di-DIGIMON!
Ananda (4-7-2003, 14:29:31, Email): you got Morgan to an art! ^_^ I love it! Nic's still laughing...Misty jsut hit him with a 2X4. they like it too. ^_^ You've made them all so happy! Thank God. Maybe npow I'll get a little peace! lol. Ne wayz, I adore! Luv all your stuff! Ja ne!
Dwagon (4-