1057430127 - Oekaki Art 63

squonjon (5-7-2003, 14:36:39, Email, Website):
another one. must try harder.

Magenta (5-7-2003, 17:42:24):
i love your unique artistic style, so relaxed, so cool, keep em coming :)

Zero (5-7-2003, 22:9:11, Website):
Relaxed... perfect word to describe his style. Love the hair, it has so much life to it. Your pictures always have the most unique compositions. When're you ever gonna get your website running, man?

LINDSEY (5-7-2003, 23:16:37):
Ooo...I love the mood of this picture! The character seems very calm and relaxed. Nice pic!

edpt (6-7-2003, 6:25:
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