LINDSEY (9-7-2003, 21:8:47): Okay, here's what the guy looks like. If you have any suggestions for names, go ahead and menton some! Hope you like it! No, he's not a vampire. He's a fangboy with wings!
edpt (10-7-2003, 8:23:11): Adiran, Alix, Amos (to be troubled. Poor Sr.Diggory...), Archer, Bjorn, Bo, Brazil (I really don't know XD) (Hey, did you know Brock was an English name??? Weird O__o') Brit, Bronson! XD Cain(e), Cato, Cavan, Chick (that means strong man. Hoho! Think about it!) Chip, Cian, Clarence, Cole, Consuelo-Fernando, Cyrus, Demian, Derex, Dion (if he's a drunkard...) Drake, Er (no, really. It's a name.) Errol, Griffin, Harry (it's freakin' GERMAN. It means army-power.) Ian, Iggy, Jay, Jerod, Kaz, Len, Leo, Lindsey (since when is that name un