1058023408 - Oekaki Art 64

squonjon (12-7-2003, 11:27:36, Email, Website):
hi again. i sliced my hand with a bread knife whilst making a sandwich this afternoon.
it hurt

NirvanaGrl (12-7-2003, 12:37:34, Email):
I really love these saturated values you have going. The grey/neutral quality of the peice makes it very appealing to look at! I really like it!!

LINDSEY (12-7-2003, 18:6:57):
I hate it when I cut myself acciedentaly, espessially when I'm shaving! I like the hair here! The colors, her expression- they all add the perfect mood. Great job! I like her pose!

Merc (13-7-2003, 0:22:36):
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