1060060814 - Oekaki Art 66

Dwagon (5-8-2003, 1:20:57):
mm.. just practicing scenery and such.. i hope someone likes it.

Anders (5-8-2003, 8:44:15, Email, Website):
it has a nice mood over it. and i just love the grass. feels so soft :)

edpt (5-8-2003, 9:13:47):
It's so...neon. And sweeping. Sweeping is good. You're getting better at scenery ^^;;

mashimaro (5-8-2003, 10:52:39):

Dwagon (6-8-2003, 0:55:2):
awww.. thanks you guys. i appciate your comments.

edpt: iknow it's neon. hehe.. wokring on using bright colour, there was suppose to be a black creature int he middle. but i hadn't the heart to ruin thi
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