LINDSEY (8-8-2003, 18:18:0): Young Princess Zelda. Hope you like it!
Peanut (8-8-2003, 18:39:6, Email): This is a good likeness to Zelda, oh and by the way if you have a gamecube you can by Ocarina of time for it. It'll also contain Ocarina of time Master quest which is a slightly harder version.=3
Kido-chan (8-8-2003, 20:45:3, Email): lots of zelda artwork on the board! ^^ I've never played a single zelda game in my life so I'm a bit clueless (but I AM a bit familiar to some of the characters). anyhoo, I really like how you did the eyes as well as the shadings. oh so uber cool!
Zero (8-8-2003, 21:43:46,