1060478540 - Oekaki Art 66

mashimaro (9-8-2003, 21:25:35):
this is my friend paul. ok, it's not really like him, but anyway... i like fast drawings. but to be honest, i scetched first. canät do anything without a scetch.

Paul (9-8-2003, 21:37:41):
Hey! You drew me, man. Nice pic!

mashimaro (9-8-2003, 21:41:17):
ok, so as you can see, folks, the zelda period has ended, and it is now time for everyone to draw Paul! gambatte!

LINDSEY (10-8-2003, 16:19:43):
Nice! The jacket and hair blowing in the wind gives the picture a great mood!

philen (12-8-2003, 20:41:38):
really good one

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