M. (17-8-2003, 23:59:54): Ahh..Hee..Y'know, people, This Is how I see that man, every day. o.^; As a friend of mine kindly puts it..He's a fakkin' pervert. *nod*...And the princess indeed does look familiar..c.c A Kudos bar goes to whoever guesses it.
M. (18-8-2003, 0:1:13): And for the point of being pointless..I am the water color queen..oo;..*claims it* xx;
Anders (18-8-2003, 14:29:36, Email, Website): hehehehe, i dont blame him. i would have done the same thing, given the opportunity ^^;
LINDSEY (18-8-2003, 15:39:24): Anders you pervert! ):O hahahahaha this is hilarious!!! I'm actually laughing right now! LOL!! Haha nic