1061180737 - Oekaki Art 67

M. (18-8-2003, 0:28:8):
Ahh..I'm done now..I'll leave the area so some real artists can show off. *Nod* Anyways, there's a quote for this comic, and it's dedicated to all those women who Jeoseiph has "touched"..eh..heh..
"When you're a knight in shining armor,
And your name is "joe"
Do us girls a favor,
and Don't reach so Fakkin' Low!!"

Dwagon (18-8-2003, 0:53:22):
lol this is soo cute!! i read the whole thign!! heheheee.. poor lil joe..

Tashii (18-8-2003, 2:0:23):

M. (18-8-2003, 14:19:46):
o o..I realize I don't have every single detail down, but I was in a rush to finish it all in one night..c.c;..heee...

LINDSEY (18-8-2003, 15:44:2):
I agree! The big pervert desreved it big t
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