1061264643 - Oekaki Art 67

Merc (18-8-2003, 23:47:3):
Merc here. This ones kinda rushed; no time with school and all. May not be drawin for a while so here yall go. Peace yo. Dark Schneider btw.

M. (19-8-2003, 0:28:39):
Very nice picture..and this is rushed? Sheesh! I wanna know how good your art would look, if you took time on it! I like his fangs, btw..Really kickass with his eyes, too. Keep on drawin' it up!

Anders (19-8-2003, 3:38:43, Email, Website):
dude! awesome shading! and the wrinkles at the top of the nose and eyebrows! looking good :)

LINDSEY (19-8-2003, 16:22:57):
Oh my gawd! Geez this is good! I'v seen the real picture before, but how th
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