1062352818 - Oekaki Art 68

chrissy (31-8-2003, 14:3:25, Email):
sorta looks like Hikaru --- but it's not!

LINDSEY (31-8-2003, 17:33:56):
The eyes! I love them! Cute! It does look like Hikau! I love the eyes the most for some reason.. probably because I'm a big Rayearth fan... I have a request... could you please draw Umi-chan?

Rabbit Girl (31-8-2003, 20:30:10, Email, Website):
Oh wow chrissy, this is awesome. I agree with Lindsey, I love the eyes. It's probably because they're such a big part of the picture, but they just jump out at you. I really like your style.

Yoshi (1-9-2003, 2:50:19
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