1063380957 - Oekaki Art 68

Trigger Assault (12-9-2003, 11:38:46, Website):
For that horrid day that changed America forever.

Also the size thing started to work properly on my computer now.

Zero (12-9-2003, 19:17:49, Website):
You see a lot of dark pictures in tribute to 9.11, it's ironic, yet appropriate that you decided to picture this as it was--a clear day. It's a nice effect.

LINDSEY (13-9-2003, 1:53:58):
Grrr I hate it when people die!!!! Stupid terrorists! I HATE THEM!!! I agree that it's appropriate to draw something like this as well. It's important to remember this day. The guy (is it Lonx?) in front gives a mood of sadness to this. Just look
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