1067732053 - Oekaki Art 71

LINDSEY (1-11-2003, 19:16:30):
Elfy girl who has never seen snow. Hope you like it!

Rabbit Girl (1-11-2003, 22:25:6):
Another great picture. *smiles* I love the colors you used, and you do "falling objects" so well.

Zero (1-11-2003, 22:33:42, Website):
I really like how we seem to be looking up at her, and the inquisitiveness of one ear being angled higher than the other. Neat hair color, too. Don't see that shade too often.

Trigger Assault (3-11-2003, 0:31:23, Website):
Dat's one cute elf babe.

edpt (3-11-2003, 15:26:13):
OMFG, those colours are awesome...use colours like that from now on. Very n
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