1071380537 - Oekaki Art 73

Trek (14-12-2003, 0:44:39, Email):
Hello, My name is Trek, this is my first ever digital doodle. It's not as good as most of the ones on this board...infact I'm not sure if I was aloud to make this being a newbie and all. Anyway it's an emblem...don't ask me what Pk Luv is...because I myself don't know....

CDC (14-12-2003, 8:35:48, Website):
what pk luv is?

missbooyaka (14-12-2003, 11:55:48):
AA!!!!its so cute!! it makes me gigle heeheee!^o^

LINDSEY (14-12-2003, 13:9:44):
WAII!!! KAWAIII!!! At least you can draw cute animals! I can't... Welcome to the board!

Saiko Lady (14-12-2003, 17:31:6):
*steals it
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