Skeletor (11-2-2004, 11:0:50):
Skeletor (11-2-2004, 11:13:51):
I gotta start paying a little more attention to where i put my shading. The shading should have been centered.
John (11-2-2004, 11:15:8):
Whatz Up!!! thanks for the comments! :-P hehe ok, cool then! :-D everyone has critized my ninjas for being look a like some turtle shit! :-D LOL hehe... you`re one of them! *asg* kiddin... hehe dont remember the name of the symbol on his chest, but it stands for balance and stuff.. capishe?! :-D Peace Out! /Johnny Boy!
John (11-2-2004, 11:20:27):
Yeah! that`s the one! yeah I know! but I didn`t manage to spend any time on the symbol... I got tired at the whole pic! that`s why it sucks! :-D
Blu (13-2-2004, 18:41:45, Email, Website):
kool a thick Cammy. Shes one of my fav to play with next to Guile.