WestD (12-2-2004, 13:22:13):
I drew this.
Fuck you all!

Arke (12-2-2004, 19:26:52):
pretty good but the 'fuck' etched out beside him and your comment makes it a bit untasteful

Skeletor (13-2-2004, 10:24:17):
Love that shading, yo! And thatīs a nice touch with the gloss on the lower lip.

edpt (13-2-2004, 16:25:36):
Fuck you, too! Fuck everybody! Let's all get together and have a great, big fuckfest! XD --Excellence. Love the style and colors...your background fuck is a little distracting, though, and the hair sucks. Otherwise, you're a cool cat.

SinisterVin (14-2-2004, 1:34:4, Email):
i agree with edpt on this one.. fuckfest.. woot! does anyone even admin this board?! lol.. but yeah.. nice stuff.. i suck with skin tones so i wouldn't be able to get all that nice shading and what not.. lol.. anywho good job