Gear ZerØ™ (1-3-2004, 11:34:28): Me and Daggy feeding my iguana ^_^. That's if she still likes me =/. ^_^ But it's for you anyways! "Hey Ecko, feeding time *hums old McDonald*" ^_^
Gear ZerØ™ (1-3-2004, 11:35:36): my teacher caught me drawing on here. I promised her I'd hurry up and just color it. SOrry if it sucks. =/ ITS HER FAULT ^_^
missbooyaka (1-3-2004, 15:37:23): aww! thats such a cute expression! Darn those Teachers! *shakes fist*
SaikoLady (1-3-2004, 23:24:20): lol and I lvoe this picture, even tho you rush yourself after the coloring, yout got me pale =3 i like that..yah noe i like pale..yeah.., lol the iguana dude..i remeber we used to talk bout it..*nods* i love this, so im gonan save it, feel me? yes!