kyllir (6-3-2004, 4:28:53, Email, Website): Look ma! No reference! hehe, its been ages, I hope you all enjoy ^^
SB (6-3-2004, 4:31:47): siimmmbaa =D @_@ ah i lovers the lion king. wow no reference you did very good @_@ i envy thy mouse skillz
Rachael (6-3-2004, 4:36:17): @.@ oo simba =D I love that movie @_@ makes me ant to go watch it ^-^ great job! =D
LINDSEY (6-3-2004, 15:18:22): Simba!! I remember I used to watch this when I was younger! Simba is so cute =3 I love the coloring job, and he looks so cute with one ear higher than the other! Kawaii!