Bob Mode (29-3-2004, 22:49:28): We were us four just a few minutes that night. Do you remember, Lobsterman?
(Bob Mode) (29-3-2004, 22:52:35): By the way, spent two hours on this thing just to get all the details right... I hate being a perfectionist sometimes...
Jochman (30-3-2004, 1:22:16, Email): Nice of you to call and invite me for a game of risk:) I spended the night at Storpajsarns, helping him install XP. It was like: insert the cd and do what i t says. It still took houers, douh. Its sure a suprisingly realistic one to be you, Bob mode. Where is the cat?
Logsterman (30-3-2004, 8:53:44): Hay! thats me. top-right! and you made it all... This rocks!!!
Bob Mode<