LINDSEY (6-4-2004, 7:10:25): Pic of Noa at kyllr's request =) I know it's not as good as my other one but I hope you like it anyways! And Zero, I don't have an archive. sorry. Someday I might. I made a mistake while painting so her right eye might seem blue. Hope you like it! =3
kyllir (6-4-2004, 11:29:10): noa is cool =D I adore the shading @_@ Its great to see you and noa back on the board! ^^
Zero (6-4-2004, 12:53:26, Website): Face is slightly uneven, but no big issue. Good to see Noa back, in any case. And you've definitely improved since you were last here. The cloth folds, shading, and hand are really good. Keep 'em coming! P.S. follow "Home Page" link above to a free art archive.