Eskimo_Madi (16-5-2004, 21:45:22, Email): Well I made this when I was bored, it's for my Itoko Vanna-chan!! The other eye is kinda messed up lol but oh well, hope you like it Vanna-chan!! -Madi
Vanna-chan (16-5-2004, 21:47:47, Email): AWWWWWW!!! it's kAwAiiii!!!!!! tee-hee -^^- i like ittt!! the eyes are so kyooott!! NICEEE!! I LUB ITTT!!!!! ::cuddles and purrs::
the crusher kiba (16-5-2004, 22:51:38): yup ya got me man i pay homage to your awesome red powers skelitor style
Eskimo_madi (18-5-2004, 0:57:17): buahahaha!!! I just realized that I forgot the other eyebrow!!! lmao ^^;;