1086204927 - Oekaki Art 84

Anders.. (2-6-2004, 15:36:52, Email, Website):
A little badaboom.. worked to long on it to not send it ^^;
practicing on dirt explotions.

CDC (2-6-2004, 17:8:42, Website):
This is.... You draw heck a good pictures. And details are good too.

SaikoLady (2-6-2004, 19:38:50):
aww! poor lil tress o_o

silver_kiwi_kat (2-6-2004, 21:29:22, Email):
that's dope..yo o_O XD.. but yeah. it is dope. i like the trees that outline the pic. you can see that they've been hacked, gives a real feel of perspective. coolies
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