squonjon (11-11-2004, 9:40:48, Email, Website): Hello again. It's been many a moon since last I drew here. I did some others but they went dastardly wrong. Here's the best of the bunch: Two terrifying pictures of a volleying wunderkind. I should have written her name on...
BindyWoop (11-11-2004, 15:16:5): Welcome back. This work has something of the giraffe about it. Splendid.
tamago:) (11-11-2004, 16:2:14): cool pic. I'm sure being that long would be at an advantage at vollyball ;)
edpt (11-11-2004, 19:25:55): This is exactly my impression of volleyball players. Nice.
LINDSET (12-11-2004, 22:15:7):