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Guidelines on submitting artwork for the normal AMOK contest.
Check further below for the hentai contests..

1. Only original artwork will be accepted. Copying someone else's work is not permitted; unless it is clearly a spoof and labeled accordingly. Don't slap your name on someone else's work and submit it.
2. No offensive nudity.. let's keep it nice, if you DO have to draw (any of) them naked. This is a contest that everyone should be able to join. :) If you're doubtful something you've drawn will be accepted, it probably won't. ^_^ I realise that 'offensive nudity' is rather vague term, but I'd have to write down every little detail of what's okay and what not otherwise...
3. The selection of the winners is done by me, a few non-participating artists, people who have connection to the anime industry, and those sponsors that wish to have a say in the matter. Each can award 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points to five of the entreants, with the highest total winning. Second highest gets second prize, etc, when there's more than one prize to be handed out.
4. Prizes are send to you by the sponsors directly. The winner's Email will be send to them, and they'll take contact with you. (I don't get to see the actual prizes, but would love to hear what you think of them, after you get them. :)
5. You can doodle in crayon or ink, CG, use clay or photograph, draw on the pavement, whatever. Use whatever style you like to draw, as long as you keep to the subject at hand. Just make sure you send the picture via Email.. (I don't have the room to store 5 ton works of RL art.)
6. You can send up to three entries for each AMOK. If you decide to send more, make clear which three you want placed, or they'll be placed in the order that I receive them.
7. Include the following with your submission:
- Image name
- Description of the image, and any comment you have on it.
- Your name and/or handle
- Email to place with the entry (Or none, if you don't want that)
- Title of your website (If you have one)
- URL to your website (If you have one)
8. The end-date of the current AMOK is displayed on the main page. After that date no more entries will be accepted for the contest. The results will be released with the next update after the period ends (Usually 7 days later), along with a new contest. :)
9. Image size is at maximum 250kb. Dimensions aren't set, but keep in mind that if you create a huge picture at 1600x3200 pixels, it'll take ages to load, and that will affect the scoring.
10. Entries you can send to:
Additional rules and guidelines for the AMOK-H constest: All the above guidelines are applicable with one change, namely the following:
2. Nudity is allowed (Well, duh. :). You can draw pretty much anything you like, but at least keep it somewhat civilised. If you're doubtful something you've drawn will be accepted, it probably won't. ^_^ I realise that I'm rather vague here, but I'd rather not dwell on what some people might come up with if I didn't put there rules to paper....