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Here is a collection of banners, which the winners of AMOK art can put on their page. It's entirely voluntary, of course, but highly appreciated. A link to one of the CG Shrines pages would be welcome too.

There are three sizes available to choose from, 266x95, 200x71 and 150x54 all in several colours . (To give you some choice)

Black, 150x54x16M, 11kb
Black, 200x71x16M, 14kb
Black, 266x95x16M, 15kb
Purple, 150x54x16M, 12kb
Purple, 200x71x16M, 15kb
Purple, 266x95x16M, 17kb
Blue, 150x54x16M, 12kb
Blue, 200x71x16M, 15kb
Blue, 266x95x16M, 17kb
Green, 150x54x16M, 12kb
Green, 200x71x16M, 15kb
Green, 266x95x16M, 18kb
Red, 150x54x16M, 12kb
Red, 200x71x16M, 15kb
Red, 266x95x16M, 17kb
Turkoize, 150x54x16M, 12kb
Turkoize, 200x71x16M, 15kb
Turkoize, 266x95x16M, 17kb
Yellow, 150x54x16M, 12kb
Yellow, 200x71x16M, 15kb
Yellow, 266x95x16M, 18kb