The subject for AMOK05
is 'Getting all fancy with Final Fantasy..'. We've done a contest with
costumes from the past already, so this one's going to be a bit different - dress
characters from the final fantasy universe in costumes from other series. Rinoa in Lum's
bikini, Tifa battling the badguys in Priss's Hardsuit.. whatever! There's oodles of
characters to choose from in FF, so there's bound to be a few you like to draw. :) Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page and check out the sponsor's website as well as the
prizes they're offering.
Quistis' Costume
artist: IsisPisces
email: isispisces@aol.com
size: 450x717x16M, 192kb
comment: Quistis is finally letting her hair down and getting ready for a
costume party where she's going as Lum. Yum! |
artist: IsisPisces
email: isispisces@aol.com
size: 456x600x16M, 115kb
comment: You might say Squall likes Rinoa's Nurse Joy costume -very- much. ;) |
Bakuretsu Lovers
artist: IsisPisces
email: isispisces@aol.com
size: 536x500x16M, 178kb
comment: Tifa
and Aeris are putting the lovely costumes of the Bakaretsu Hunters to some very good use,
while Cloud dreams of the day when he can join in. |
artist: SilverHerald
email: SilverHerald@aol.com
size: 499x789x16M, 64kb
comment: None
given. |
Street Fighter Fantasy 7
artist: John Watkins-Chow
email: Talismen@aol.com
website: JWC Art
size: 668x600x16M, 230kb
Aerith, Tifa, and Yuffie dressed as Chun-Li, Cammy, and Sakura. I usually try to do
illustrations that tell a story; I had to add dialogue to this one to get the punchline in
on this one. Prismacolor markers. |
Prep Time!
artist: Jack Malmberg
email: Fuzzydream@hotmail.com
size: 1536x1152x16M, 208kb
comment: The
girls got together to prepare for the 'Almost all-nude FF reunion parody dance'!
Tifa, wanting to look like Yuri from Dirty Pair, having just dyed her hair, managed to
squeeze (most of her) into a skimpy AdamWarren-TM bikini top and strike a pose before we
interrupted. Aerith isn't doing too well looking like Peorth, her hair color is all wrong,
as she has spent all her time painting Rinoa to look like Cheetah Diggers.
I hope you guys and gals like this one. I sure spent a great part of my life making it. :) |
Costume Shop Mix-up
artist: Kyle Twilight
email: ktwilight@hotmail.com
website: http://ktwilight.majorhost.com
size: 786x1166x16M, 250kb
comment: I
really felt bad doing this to poor Cid, but I had the idea to mix up two character's
costumes, and the only people I could see doing this to would be either Barret or Cid,
since they have the personalities to make it funny. I figured since Barret would never
manage to squeeze into a costume sized for Aeris, I'd use Cid. I also wasn't sure if
dialogue was allowed or not in the contest rules, but I didn't think the scene would play
out right without it. I hope it at least gets a good laugh. I also experimented a bit with
a few coloring techniques in this picture, so I'd appreciate it if everyone would let me
know what they thought. |
Final Fantasy does Slayers
artist: Shredder
size: 719x595x256, 80kb
comment: Tifa
and Aeris dress up as Naga and Lina, but Tifa has a little trouble with the costume. |
title: Street Fantasy
artist: T.Adam
email: ta_link@yahoo.com
size: 1453x1129x16M, 214kb
comment: Tifa
switching costumes with Cammy. |