The subject for AMOK07
is 'Summertime!'. While it's not quite summer yet, it's getting there, so
pull out your beachgear and a cooler filled with drinks and head for the sea. Considering
cats like to sunbathe (The ones I know, anyway), this time it'll be catgirls, with Nuku-Nuku
to be included in any case. Enjoy! Let your
fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
title: 'Nuku's
artist: Karl Reichert/Kiki and Mara Kannigan
email: nekosei@home.com
website: The
size: 600x775x16M, 108kb
comment: Well, since tans are the thing you get at beaches, I just had to
show Nuku with hers... But waitaminute.. How does foam rubber skin tan??? Just great...
Now I have to do ANOTHER picture to explain THAT!! Ah well... Just means more goodies for
you guys to oggle... :P |
title: 'Paint by
artist: Karl Reichert/Kiki and Mara Kannigan
email: nekosei@home.com
website: The
size: 600x818x16M, 135kb
comment: Here's the answer to my query... Just how does an android with
foam rubber skin get a tan? Why else would there be skin-tan paint? |
title: 'How to
win at volleyball..'
artist: T.Adam
size: 474x600x16M, 184kb
comment: One of summertime's great sports, beach volleyball, gets new
heights in competitiveness... |
title: 'Summer
artist: Jared Hodges
email: Darkshnidr@hotmail.com
website: Cutepet
size: 712x710x16M, 214kb
comment: None |
title: 'Beach
artist: SilverHerald
size: 867x607x16M, 111kb
comment: What all boys thing of come summer - topless beach and lots of
oil.. with Nuku-Nuku, Lina and Wendy. |

'Underwater Adventure'
artist: Minako Kenshou
email: dragonruby@aol.com
website: Cutepet
size: 696x879x16M, 118kb
comment: I hate it when that happens.. |