The subject for AMOK09
is 'King of Hazard'. Two series this time: King of Fighters (any)
and El Hazard. At least one character from both series
needs to be included to participate for the prizes. Each picture must feature at least one
character from both series, about to fight, fighting, or something similar.
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Bring It On
artist: Lisa "Jade" Smith
email: MikoNoShinigami1@aol.com
website: The Jaded Visions Studio
size: 1579x981x16M, 360kb
comment: Mai tries to hook Iori up with Shayla, who responds: "Any guy I'd go out with would have to beat me in a fight!" It's a weird idea that popped into my head while I was watching Ranma... ^_^ |

title: Fighting Box
artist: Hendrik Riepma
email: harcs@mixmail.com
size: 690x470x16M, 121kb
comment: This is not the kind of battle you'd expect. |

title: Powerkick
artist: Sakura
email: sakura1012@sailormoon.com
size: 620x550x16M, 45kb
comment: The name of the picture is 'Powerkick' ('cuz Athena can't kick Ifurita's butt so she's kicking hers ^_^) |

title: Hazardous Duo
artist: Aiva
email: hosoimj@home.com
size: 583x672x16M, 205kb
comment: Truth be told, I stink at drawing guys, so the solution was to draw girls as best as
I could. The result was Ifurita and Mai together, but with swapped costumes which kept their original
costumes' colours. Both Mai and Ifurita I've drawn for the first time here, so don't stone me because they
don't look like they should. The main disappointment here would be the background; it's so plain and passive.
Cell-style colouring can be a real bitch to do. |

title: Who Missed Who
artist: Usagichan
email: usagi413@hotmail.com
size: 541x540x256, 88kb
comment: Ok this is the first time I drew people in motion! Big step for me ^_^ Well it's Athena and
Ifurita fighting it out, although I can't tell which person is getting hit ^_^ I guess I did it that way because I like
both of the fighters and I didn't know which one would be the weaker one.
note: This entry
reached the contest after the closing date. (Shame!) I didn't want to keep it from you so it was added,
although it will not be eligible for prizes. |