The subject for AMOK20
is 'Five Years CG Shrines!'. Draw your favorite characters doing whatever the heck you think they'd do to celebrate -- considering that the site has been around for five years now. Get your creativity into overdrive and suprise us! Good luck!
Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: FY Party
artist: Mylie Chong
size: 737x488x16M, 231kb
comment: Suzaku shichiseishi from Fushigi Yuugi drunk because of all the sake they've been drinking during the 5 years celebration for AMOK!

title: Lilith in me
artist: Souljirow
website: Golden castle studios
size: 602x1080x16M, 128kb
comment: Lilith showing her muscles.

title: Popcorn anyone?
artist: Christine
website: A Splash of Paint
size: 260x326x16M, 37kb
comment: When I celebrate, it's always with popcorn and my favorite anime video. So I drew Naru and Kitsune kicking back and relaxing.

title: Mihoshi Celebrates
artist: Rina
website: The Anime Cafe
size: 521x730x16M, 160kb
comment: Well, It's Supposed To Be Mihoshi from No Need For Tenchi, And The Rather Pathetically Done Creature behind Her Is Ryo-oki The Cabbit....

title: ParTAY!
artist: Spot
size: 800x908x16M, 199kb
comment: Partay-woowoowoo! Nudoru (red hair) and Chi-zu (The elfyish one) Are celebrating AMOK's five year birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMOK! (par TAY par TAY...)

title: Cyberia
artist: An AlphaWerks and Chibi-Jynx production
website: The Valley Of Death: Enter the Shadows
website: Dystopia
size: 728x878x16M, 132kb
comment: Cyberia is known in the anime "Serial Experiments Lain" as a party center for crowds from every walk of life. In the picture, Lain is grooving it out in her raving get-up and kick'in DJ Booth for AMOK's 5th year anniversary. The image was created with Paint shop Pro 7.0 by Jasc. Both of the artist's websites are currently closed down for renovations, but check back soon for updates!

title: Garnet's Gifta
size: 456x392x16M, 60kb
comment: None given.

title: Final Fantasy Survivor
artist: Trace
website: Misatos' N.E.R.V-A
size: 560x393x16M, 229kb
comment: So, I decided on a theme based on one of my favourite TV programmes. Then I added some of my favourite FF characters [Tifa, Aeris, Quistis, Rinoa and Yuffie] I rendered it with watercolour, but the original was too big, so I smudged it all together to give it a CG look.

title: Digicharat Party
artist: hellrage
size: 755x600x16M, 200Kb
comment: It's party time and everyone is invited. As the digicharat characters will celebrate the 5th anniversary for the CG shrines. Dejiko's holding the special cake and puchiko is taking the big present...... hmm i wonder what's inside that box. Anyway, happy 5th anniversary for CG shrines.
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