The subject for AMOK21
is 'Super Startling Sportivity Attack!'. Draw your favorite characters doing their favorite sport (Or not so favorite sport if you prefer) - Alone or with friends. Get your creativity into overdrive and suprise us! Good luck!
Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Clod Strife
artist: Doodlebug
size: 640x423x16M, 47kb
comment: Uh... if you can't tell, this is Cloud from Final Fantasy VII snowboarding. At least, he WAS snowboarding. Poor clumsy Clod. x_x

title: Masaki Street Hocky
artist: Darren Geers
website: Korean Vampire's Homepage
size: 872x1185x256, 60kb
comment: Sasami and Tenchi Playing Roller Hocky, looks like Tenchi could use some skating lessons

title: One piece world cup
artist: Hayatogin
size: 1024x723x16M, 202kb
comment: I made it on the occasion of Fifa world cup 2002!

title: No Pain No Game
artist: Alex S
size: 525x695x256, 47kb
comment: None given

title: Paccific Highschool Backyard Boxing
artist: Felices Moreno / JunX2
size: 200x221x256, 35kb
comment: argh my mom tossed it in the trash i tryed to save it! O yeah Rival school backyard boxing with CHICKS!!!

title: Rabi at the beach
artist: Rei Yosadamoto
size: 513x550x16M, 77kb
comment: Well, basicly this is a picture I drew of Rabi~en~rose from Di Gi Charat. In this picture, she has just gotten finished swiming at the beach. Well, I hope you all like it! >^-^< Ja ne!

title: Tifa the Snowboarder
artist: Interpid Dusk
size: 373x780x16M, 182kb
comment: Tifa from FF7 decked out in snowboarder gear, ready to hit the slopes

title: Yusuke and pals playing Tennis
artist: Liz Barillas
size: 648x5970x16M, 85kb
comment: Yusuke and Hiei are playing against each other with Puu as the tennis ball. Kurama watches them as Kuwabara reads a book about tennis

title: Asuka Roller blading
artist: AnthonYte
size: 562x1300x16M, 163kb
comment: Its Asuka, roller blading in tight bikini! Aint she sexayyy?

title: Spike
artist: Wicked Chaos
size: 883x1050x16M, 65kb
comment: Spike is cool. Skateboarding is cool. Put 'em together...well, you get the picture.
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